YouTube videos transcripts

Hello, I am seeing that inserting a YouTube video is quite useful as the “preview website content” stores the transcription. However it seems that reach takes systematically the English transcript. Even if the speech is in French.
Is there any settings to tell reach to keep the original transcript?
Is there a specific method to search with keywords from this content?

Hi @DenisCad!

Thanks for your feedback and apologies for the late response.

It looks like our system has been defaulting to English transcripts, even for videos in French. Our dev team is looking into it and checking how to fix this so that the YouTube transcription remains in the original language.

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention, I’ll let you know once we have any further updates on this. Stay tuned!


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Hello. Any news on this. Unlock the default ‘English’ should be easy :smirk: no…

Hi Denis,

Apologies for having gone dark on you on this topic… it slipped through the cracks and we ended up focusing on different issues and features…

Unfortunately Youtube API doesn’t specifically state which is the original language of a video… so there is no way for us to determine with certainty which was the original. As a result we have set it by default to always return it in English.

What we can do is create a setting for you to chose your default language – would that solve your issue?

Let me know your thoughts

Keep Reaching


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It would yes. Following this, I will be very interested in playing a little, from Reach, with the transcriptions of certain videos to search for particular parts in the discussions of the interlocutors.

Hi @DenisCad,

Alright, we’ve added the option to choose your default language to the Development Roadmap, and will check with the dev team to make this happen in upcoming updates.

Stay tuned!
