What happens when I exceed my 5000 max nodes?

I just signed up and started to import one Evernote notebook which has almost 4,000 notes. Once I also import some things from Google drive, I will probably be pretty close to exceeding the 5,000 node max. What happens then? Is there some accommodation for people who run out of nodes before the pricing is set up?

Also - same question about by AI word limit - looks like it’s 2500 words per month? Can we pay to increase that? Or can you use my ChatGPT token?

Hey Dan

Thanks for reaching out! Glad to hear your enjoying the integrations!

We haven’t yet finished setting up all the payment setup but if all goes according to plan we should have it live in the next few weeks.

In the meantime, regarding the quota :

  • Number of Nodes – the current limit is set to 5’000 nodes, we have set it this way to avoid abuse, that being said, if you reach the limit prior to us releasing the paid plans, contact us. We have in the past increased it to users but its more on a case by case.

  • Chat limits – based on the feedback from multiple users, we have decided to change the chat limitations from 2’500 words to 100 questions asked. Simpler, clearer and more manageable. You will find more details in this post

Hope that clears up your questions

Keep Reaching

Christopher Payne