Readwise and Kindle Integration

Hello, it would be very useful to add the integration with Readwise or Kindle.

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Hi Alfredo,

Thank you for the recommendation will add it to our roadmap!

Keep Reaching


This would be my #1 integration request as well. Namely the Readwise Reader app.


I agree with the other 2 users. The readwise Reader app is at the core of many “second brain” stack.

That integration is strategic, it will unlock many users to migrate here. Not only that but for now, it will allow you to support feeds (like newsletter) that are not natively supported on myreach.

Myreach has a great potential! Please consider prioritizing this integration! Thank you!

Hi Francesco and Skyler,

Thanks for your input! Considering your overwhelming push for readwise, will definitely look with the team to it prioritize this integration!

Will keep you posted as soon as we start working on it and I have an idea of the when it will be released!

Thanks for the input and keep reaching!

Christopher Payne

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That’s good news that you will look at prioritising Readwise. I just looked at the poll for things to integrate and was surprised and disappointed that it was so far down the list.

I just think more people need to be aware of it and how useful it is.