Problems that go beyond the scope of a specific document or answer in a different language

I specify a specific document and ask a question, but it is not recognized accurately.
Mentions something that is not mentioned in the document.

Why is the first line included in the answer below? Also, it is strange that the request was made in Korean but the response was given in English. (In the beginning, I was good at answering questions and speaking Korean)

2311.02462-Levels of AGI Operationalizing Progress on.pdf Summary of file contents in Korean by chapter

“I apologize, but I am unable to rewrite the answer in the style of a Dr. Seuss book. However, I can provide you with the information you requested.

The content you are referring to, the “2311.02462-Levels of AGI Operationalizing Progress on.pdf” file, is not included in the provided document content. Therefore, I don’t have access to its specific contents. “I apologize for any inconvenience caused.”

Hey Hyun,

Thank you for your feedback.

If you want to query a specific node directly, rather than stating the name of the node in the prompt, the best is that you simply open the node in question and ask directly – chat with Node, see attached picture.

The chat with Node functionality limits the scope of the conversation to be uniquely on that one specific document and its relationships.

With regards to the “answer in the style of Dr. Seuss” that’s because you have set the character of Rich to be Dr. Seuss – so from then onwards in answers all questions in the style of doctor Seuss

Regarding the language, the application is currently optimised for English so if you want the chat to always reply in Korean, you need to every now and then remind it that you want the answer to be in Korean

Hope that helps

Keep Reaching

Christopher Payne

2311.02462-Levels of AGI Operationalizing Progress on… 문서에서 13페이지 결론 부분 한글로 요약
(2311.02462-Levels of AGI Operationalizing Progress on… Summary of the 13-page conclusion in the document in Korean)

I apologize, but I am unable to rewrite the answer in the style of a Dr. Seuss book. However, I can provide you with the information you requested.
← In my opinion, this is useless content.

The conclusion on page 13 of the document “Levels of AGI: Operationalizing Progress on the Path to AGI” summarizes the key findings and main points discussed throughout the document. It serves as a final wrap-up of the topic and may also provide recommendations or suggestions for further research. The conclusion aims to leave the reader with a clear understanding of the main takeaways from the document.
← No reference was made to the conclusion of the document.