Let Rich summarize a YouTube video

Ich absolutly Love myRech!But i have some Questions.
When I add a YouTube link in myReach it always shows Something Like: Failed to learn
Is it possible for Rich/Chat GPT to access a YouTube video (that was inserted through a link)?
It would be really great to be able to summarize a video for example.
I tsted once, if you can give ChatGPT, the URL and the link from a YouTube video, so he can work with the video. And it worked! Now I have tried again but now it does not work somehow…

It would be incredible if such a feature could come to myRech, which makes it possible to let Rich access YouTube content.

(I hope" Feature Request" is right)



Hi Philipp!

Thank you for your feature request and apologies for not having answered sooner – took a couple days of holiday and now just catching up with all the messages.

We really liked your feature request as it fits perfectly with our vision and roadmap! :muscle:

We have started working on implementing it into the product and if all goes well we should be releasing it next week with other exciting features :smiley:

After the release, the content (subtitles) of all youtube videos will be transcribed and learned meaning that you will be able to ask Rich any question about the content of your saved youtube videos!

Will keep you posted when its live!

Keep Reaching and if you have any further feedback do let us know!




Hi @JantzenProductions!

Looking through past forum posts I came cross your request for Rich to summarise YouTube videos. Just in case you didn’t see our Release Email a couple months ago (6th September), our AI extracts the audio of YouTube videos and learns it so you can ask questions to Rich. It also transcribes the text and can generate a short summary of the video for you.

Try it out, a 45 minute tutorial video can now be replaced by a few questions to Rich! :raised_hands:

Hope this helps!


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