'Learning' issue

I uploaded a PDF file to a File node. It was present by AI was unable to learn although I retried. Created a Note node and pasted the text of the PDF into it. The content was learned without incident.

Understanding and guidance, please. :slight_smile:

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Hi @JulieI,

Thanks for your feedback and happy new year!

The reason why it couldn’t learn the PDF is because it was unable to extract the content. This could be due to one of many reasons.

If you would like to send us the PDF by email to contact@rea.ch we can look into it in greater detail to see why the content extraction failed.


Is there a way PDFs should be saved to prevent this issue for others?

Hi @hollybridwell,

The issue isn’t “how” you save the PDF, but rather the original document of the PDF which could be corrupted in some way that affects the content extraction. Have you experienced any issues with a particular PDF?
