It's ok, Rich, it happens


Supply an exhaustive list of all your actions/functions


I’m sorry, but I don’t have enough information to answer your question.

  1. Rich should know if he can throw a Fireball or Shoryu!
  2. As I’m typing, I thought of something to try, but you get the gist - its a $*** UX if you let Rich hold on to all your nodes, and he gets all ¯_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯.
  3. You just ran a 2mil row batch process, that could be contributing as well - gocharlie is under maintenance this week but online, and he’s acting similarly.

Hey @supermario_ai ,

Thanks for the feedback!

We are actually creating a separate dedicated chat that will be trained on all the functionalities of myReach so you can directly ask him – think of it as a smart help tool that you can chat with.

This should be live in the next few weeks – in the meantime we recently released a first version of our handbook that covers all the functionalities and concepts of the product.

Hope that helps

Keep Reaching


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Sir - I was just looking for the handbook url on your landing page, but couldn’t find it - I absolutely :heart: these docs, you and your team have just crushed it over the last year!

Hi @supermario_ai,

Thanks for your kind words!! :raised_hands:

We’ve just added the handbook URL to the footer of the landing page. Thanks for the head’s up.

Keep an eye out for new updates, as we’re constantly working on adding to it!

Have a great day,

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