Chrome extension doesn't save Youtube videos, only the domain

Hi. When I’m on my desktop computer and I want to save a Youtube video, I click on the Chrome extension, and I select Save Website.
Sadly, this doesn’t save the query string parameters, the /watch?v=RpebXmA5JOc part. All it saves is, which is pretty useless for my use case.
However, If I copy and paste the URL directly into the app (without using the Chrome extension), it works fine.
Thank you

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Hi Bruno,

Thanks for letting us know about the issue.

The plugin is brand new and we hadn’t yet experienced the issue you are experiencing with YouTube.

Will investigate it with the team and fix it as soon as possible! Will keep you posted when it’s solved

Keep Reaching


I’m glad to help, let me know if you need more detailed reproduction steps. Cheers

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Thank you very much for the offer but have just tested it myself and also experiencing the same issue with youtube pages.

Will keep you posted as soon as we have it fixed and updated :muscle:

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Hi Bruno,

We’ve figured out what the issue is.

YouTube is a SPA (Single Page Application) meaning that route changes do not actually load another webpage, so our extension doesn’t detect them as a URL change. Therefore, for the extension’s backend, that webpage still has the initial Youtube URL.

We are working on finding a solution to it but in the meantime as a work around you can directly save the youtube link to myReach by right-clicking on the page a selecting the option save to myReach.

Hope that helps


Hi Bruno,

I forgot to let you know in the previous release that this issue was resolved in the last release – if you update your extension it should work now

Keep Reaching
